Shop progression!
It’s the little things! When it comes to this stuff we do, it’s like pixels to digital picture. The smallest little square(no pun intended) be it a base plate box, or a mounting tab with bolt hole locations. Using our JD2 plasma table has been a true game changer. Each of these “pixels" we cut out, is precise and exact every time. Every corner, every hole.
Of course, the table is no good with out some brains and programs behind it. Learning how to use these in our every day has changed everything for the best, I feel we have leaped years into the future. Luckily we have Joel (cornerstone.mfg) to make sure we are In check and knowing how to roll. But also having his skills on the screen to make literally anything we need designed. It really changed things.
This is only the beginning for us, and our progression as a leading performance and fabrication shop.
Stay tuned!